Generate your Safe Smart Account
In this guide, you will learn the very first steps to generate safe smart account and execute transactions on Gnosis Chain.
We would be using these two packages from Safe Core AA SDK :
Auth Kit: The Auth Kit creates an EOA address and authenticates a blockchain account using an email address, social media account, or crypto wallet like Metamask. We would be using the Safe Auth Integration which uses Web3Auth's MPC technology.
Protocol Kit :This Kit can be used to create new Safe accounts, update the configuration of existing Safes, propose and execute transactions, among other features.
Let's begin building!
Using Safe Auth Kit to generate Safe using social accounts
1. Install the following dependencies.
npm install @safe-global/auth-kit @web3auth/safeauth-embed
2. Create a SafeAuthPack Instance
{ SafeAuthPack, SafeAuthInitOptions,AuthKitSignInData,SafeAuthUserInfo } from "@safe-global/auth-kit"
const initSafeAuthPack = async () => {
try {
const safeAuthInitOptions = {
showWidgetButton: true,
enableLogging: true,
buttonPosition: "top-right",
buildEnv: "production",
chainConfig: {
chainId: "0x64",
displayName: "Gnosis",
rpcTarget: '',
blockExplorerURL: '',
ticker: "xDAI",
tickerName: "Gnosis Chain",
const safeAuthPack = new SafeAuthPack();
await safeAuthPack.init(safeAuthInitOptions);
if (safeAuthPack.isAuthenticated) {
const signInInfo = await safeAuthPack?.signIn();
// The signIn() method returns the user's EOA address and the associated Safe addresses
toast.success("Initialization and auto-login successful!");
} catch (error) {
toast.error("Failed to initialize SafeAuthPack,try again!");
After you have successfully authenticated your session, authKitSignData
will return the following objects:
AuthKitSignInData {
eoa: string // This would be your signer
safes?: string[] // The list of associated Safe addresses in the chain
Now let's move onto our Protocol Kit that we would be using with this SafeAuthPack Instance
1. Install the following dependencies.
npm install ethers
npm install @safe-global/protocol-kit
2. Import these in your .jsx
import { ethers, BrowserProvider } from "ethers";
import Safe, { EthersAdapter, SafeFactory } from "@safe-global/protocol-kit";
const web3Provider = safeAuth.getProvider();
const userInfo = await safeAuth.getUserInfo();
if (web3Provider) {
const provider = new BrowserProvider(safeAuth.getProvider());
const signer = await provider.getSigner();
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
- You can checkout all the details of a user using
3. Create a Safe Adapter and using protocol kit
const createSafe = async () => {
if (!safeAuthSignInResponse?.eoa) {
toast.error("No EOA (Externally Owned Account) available to create a Safe.");
const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(safeAuth?.getProvider());
const signer = await provider.getSigner();
const ethAdapter = new EthersAdapter({
signerOrProvider: signer,
const safeFactory = await SafeFactory.create({ ethAdapter });
const safe = await safeFactory.deploySafe({
safeAccountConfig: { threshold: 1, owners: [safeAuthSignInResponse?.eoa] },
//keeping threshold to single owner 1
const safeAddress = await safe.getAddress();
console.log("SAFE Created!", safeAddress);
If you would like to check out the full code implementation of how to use SafeAuthPack
and Protocol Kit, you can checkout this code repository hosted on Github.